Monday, August 25, 2008

Starting Over

Dear Reader(s).

Fortress America is proud to present the newly-revised and slightly-improved Fortress America Binary Kiosk.

This space, once resplendent with poorly curated you-tube video and badly written personal diatribes, has been wiped clean. In its place, a new and better and more sincere attempt at making something interesting and fun.

I was reading a blog post by one of my favorite artists, Jesse Spears, in which she interviewed the director of a music video that she loved.

She wrote “It's like fall in love with something and then find the person who made it and ask them some questions.”

I thought that was a really great idea, and I thought about how many really amazing and creative people I am lucky to know, and how fun it would be to interview everyone and really try to think about the things I want to know about what they do and why they do it. I got so excited I could hardly wait to start.

So that’s what this blog will be; interviews with friends and family and neighbors and strangers about how they do what they do and why they do it. I am super excited to do this.

For the first installment, I thought it would be amazing if I could talk to Jesse Spears, the inspiration for the whole deal and an artist whose work I love. I’m thrilled to say that interview will be posted tomorrow!!

Who’s next? Realistically, if you are reading this, there is a pretty great chance you will be interviewed in the near future. Get your answers rehearsed!

Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Also checkout the Fortress America Media Annex, the new home to you tube videos, product reviews, photos, “news of the weird” stories, and a wide variety of small distractions. I intend to update the annex on a daily basis. I will do my best.

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